Author Topic: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze  (Read 488255 times)

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1650 on: December 19, 2015, 20:15:12 »
Odlican EC 12Z,jak greben na Evropom.Sad je vazan polozaj AC,tj. gdje ce se kretati posle,ali sve su prilike da ce se dobro pozicionirati jer se probija sjevernije.Ovdje ce biti izvjesno formiranje ciklona u Sredozemlju samo je pitanje koliko ce biti hladnoce a sve zavisi od polozaja AC.

Offline petar

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1651 on: December 20, 2015, 16:27:24 »
Modeli i dalje po istom.
Za sada mislim da je skoro pa sigurno da se otpisuje decembar, a ono sto modeli crtaju jeste prakticno slicno razvijanje vremena pocetkom januara. Sve je to daleko ali...

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1652 on: December 21, 2015, 00:30:46 »
Daleko je jos do Nove,pa cak i do 28-og.Sjecate se pred onaj veliki snijeg 2012. nismo ga ni imali na umu nedelju dana ranije.
Mislim da postoje dvije situacije,jedna da AC ojaca sa centrom nad Skandinavijom i da povuce hladnocu sa istoka do nas ili da ga nadjaca ciklonska aktivnost sa Atlantika i da se onda opet ceka uspostavljanje bloka,tada vjerovatno nad Atlantikom.
Kljuc razlaza EC 12Z i GFS, koji i dalje potencira prvu varijantu, je 26-og.

Kod EC tada imamo prostranu ciklonsku aktivnost koja spaja Skandinavski sa ciklonom kod Sjevernog pola.Nakon toga greben ne uspojeva da se probije sjevernije vec odlazi istocno-jugoistocno a sa zapada ga neutralise Atlantik.Uz to potencira jacu Islandsku depresiju,dok GFS u tom periodu nemamo ciklonsku aktivnost kod Sjevernog pola i nakon toga greben uspijeva da se probija sjeverno i da razdvoji ciklonske aktivnosti na zapadnu i istocnu.
Pojacao sam boju da je jasnija razlika  :81:
Lijevo EC na +144 i 192h desno GFS u istim terminima.

Moguca je i jedna i druga varijanta,ali ako pobijedi EC onda cekamo zimu 5-10 dana posle 1. januara.

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1653 on: December 21, 2015, 13:10:51 »
Za sad obrnuta situacija EC bolji od GFS.GFS daje probijanje Islandskog minimuma u Skandinaviji.
Pored EC,kanadski GEM,evropski NASA/GEOS zntno bolji.Sad je GFS usamljen,a gotovo uvijek se prikloni EC-u.

Offline Czv Nk

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1654 on: December 21, 2015, 13:23:10 »
Ako se GFS prikloni EC-u to bi znacilo sta?Da bi doslo do zahladjenja brzo jel?

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1655 on: December 22, 2015, 12:54:02 »
Pritisak na oko 16km.Crvenom strelicom oznaceno uzdizanje grebena.GFS u poslednja tri izlaza forsira stabilan kontinentalni AC koji bi zauzeo polozaj nad Istocnom Evropom i Zapadnosibirskom nizijom.
Medjutim Islandski minimum je vrlo aktivan tako da se uticaj anticiklona ne bi znacajno osjetio.

Vrlo je izvjesno da u narednih 10 dana nece biti snijega u nizim predjelima,a mozda ni padavina.

Offline sanjin

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1656 on: December 22, 2015, 13:35:35 »
Vrlo je izvjesno da u narednih 10 dana nece biti snijega ni na planinama.

Offline bole

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1657 on: December 22, 2015, 22:07:59 »
Vrlo je izvjesno da cemo cekati novu godinu u kratkim rukavima :)

Offline niksicki

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1658 on: December 22, 2015, 23:07:44 »
Katastrofa!Vec su poceli mucki provokatori ovakve slike da mi salju na fejsbuk  :07:

Offline Stefan600

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1659 on: December 23, 2015, 00:24:52 »
Da vidite kad ga naroka sredinom januara kao sto nikad nije hahahaha !
Februar 2012. :)

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1660 on: December 23, 2015, 11:07:43 »
 EC i GFS 00Z se podudaraju imali bi prodor hladnoce oko Nove.

Offline Cirius

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1661 on: December 23, 2015, 15:15:26 »
Evo jedne dobre, opširne analize i projekcija za dalji razvoj trenutne situacije, kome nije dosadno da krcka ovaj tekst na engleskom (boldovao sam zanimljivije djelove) :

    The AO is currently positive and is predicted to trend negative but still remain near neutral.
    The negative AO trend is reflective of the model forecast of initial low pressure/geopotential heights over the North Atlantic side of the Arctic transitioning to more high pressure/geopotential heights.  The models are predicting that the dominant geopotential height rise will be near Scandinavia and the Barents Kara Seas with downstream troughing over East Asia.  This has significant implications for the strength of the polar vortex in January.
    With high pressure strengthening in the Barents Kara Seas, temperatures should turn cold first across Siberia and Central Asia and then eventually across East Asia.  However for now, blocking across northwest Asia will prevent the westward flow of cold air from Siberia into Europe.
    Models are also predicting rising pressure/geopotential heights across western North America, in part in response to some initial perturbing of the polar vortex.  This will likely result in deepening troughing across eastern North America and a cooling trend in temperatures for the Eastern United States.
    The atmosphere is currently experiencing a pulse of energy transfer from the troposphere to the stratosphere that will last the remainder of the week.  The models are predicting a second pulse during the first week of January and we continue to anticipate even further energy transfer.  This will begin to perturb or disturb the polar vortex starting this week, which will likely peak sometime in January.
    High snow cover and low sea ice this past fall favored a weakening of the polar vortex preferentially in January.  The latest weather model forecasts increase our confidence in a weakening or perturbed polar vortex in January (the GFS more so than the ECMWF and this needs to be closely monitored). Following the polar vortex weakening the negative phase of the AO, cold temperatures and potentially an increase in snowstorms is favored across the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes including the Eastern United States, Europe and East Asia.


Currently the AO remains positive with low geopotential heights dominating the high latitudes and high geopotential heights across the mid-latitudes.  This pattern has resulted in very mild temperatures across northern Europe, the Eastern United States and to a lesser degree East Asia.  However Siberia and Central Asia have turned cold, which has important implications for our AO forecast for mid to late winter as a cold east Eurasia/warm west Eurasia is favorable for increased energy transfer from the troposphere to the stratospheric polar vortex.

Low pressure/geopotential heights dominate the Arctic basin and the high latitudes of both the North Pacific and North Atlantic, resulting in a strongly positive AO. In contrast the mid-latitudes are dominated by high pressure/geopotential heights. Initially the three dominant areas of positive geopotential height anomalies are centered over the Eastern United States, Central Europe and East Asia. The ridging dominating the population centers of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) has resulted in mild to very mild temperatures for the Eastern United States, Europe and to a lesser degree East Asia. Exceptions to the high geopotential heights over the continents are troughs or low geopotential heights in Western Siberia/Central Asia and Western North America.  This has resulted in cold temperatures for Siberia, Central Asia, Alaska and northwest Canada.   However with time, the models are suggesting that the regions of dominant positive geopotential height anomalies will be centered in western North America, Scandinavia/Barents-Kara Seas and East Asia. The ridging in western North America will help to deepen lower geopotential heights and troughing across eastern North America.  Therefore we expect a gradual return of more typical winter weather for the Eastern United States.  Similarly for East Asia potentially colder weather is likely as cold air in nearby regions of Siberia and Central Asia filters into the region. The region least likely to see a near-term transition to cold temperatures is Northern Europe and northwest Asia.  The predicted geopotential heights rise over northern Scandinavia and the Barents-Kara Seas will block the westerly flow of air from Siberia towards Europe and allowing a more mild maritime flow of air to dominate European weather.

Longer term we continue to expect that variability in the polar vortex to strongly influence NH weather patterns.  It is becoming less of a question if the polar vortex weakens and more of a question of when. A robust transfer of energy from the troposphere to the stratosphere is underway and will continue the entire week. However with the polar vortex at or near record strength, much of the energy is currently being deflected.  Still enough energy is absorbed to stretch the polar vortex so as to increase cross-polar flow from Siberia into eastern North America and commence a cooling trend.  The models are now predicting a second pulse of energy the first week of January.  This is likely to perturb the polar vortex even further.  And we anticipate further pulses of energy.  The predicted circulation pattern of ridging in the Barents-Kara Seas/Northwest Eurasia and troughing in East Asia/the North Pacific is optimal for exciting energy pulses from the troposphere to be absorbed into the stratospheric polar vortex. Therefore we continue to anticipate even more pulses of energy transfer into mid-January.  The duration and the strength of this energy transfer will strongly influence the variability of the polar vortex.  We continue to anticipate that the polar vortex will be sufficiently perturbed/weakened to allow colder weather to spread over the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes starting in January.   Still, If the energy transfer is not sufficiently strong over the next month or so to weaken the polar vortex, then the winter AO is likely to average positive in the mean and a mild weather pattern will dominate the mid-latitude continents for the remainder of the winter. "

Offline Czv Nk

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1662 on: December 23, 2015, 22:00:07 »
Bas procitah na accuweather,oni najavljuju od 3/4 januara hladnije i ceste padavine,a oni su valjda jedni od najtacnijih prognoza.

Offline sanjin

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1663 on: December 24, 2015, 00:42:27 »
Modeli mnogo lutaju za period oko Nove.

Nakon vecerasnjeg katastrofalnog EC-a, GFS nacrta ledaru za docek. Cak bi bilo i nekih padavina.

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1664 on: December 24, 2015, 04:26:20 »
GEM veli da hladnoca ostaje na zapadnom balkanu, EC je za sad gura na Grcku..  :106:

Offline Fraka

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1665 on: December 24, 2015, 10:03:20 »
Konacno se nazire kraj ovom jednolicnom vremenu.

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1666 on: December 24, 2015, 11:32:23 »
Odlican GFS 06Z steta sto je vjerovatnoca mala ali lijepo je vidjeti to u +180h,visinski ciklon i dovoljno hladnoce po visini bila bi prava poslastica za Novogodisnju noc  :04:

Offline EagleS

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1667 on: December 24, 2015, 12:11:30 »
I EC crta fino zahlađenje za doček 
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence

Offline Nikola

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1668 on: December 24, 2015, 18:11:57 »
GFS 12Z najbolji posle 2012te sad vec na +162h,bio bi to bajkovit 31.12.

Prvo nesvakidaslja situacija,posebno za podrucje Evrope,na oko samo 1000km imamo preko 120mb razlike na nivou mora! 

A onda dolazi 'sibirska' hladnoca i aktivira se toplo Sredozemlje,kao 2012te sto bi Admin rekao pravi recept za snijeg  :105:

I da se nista ne ostvari neka ostane zabiljezeno.Ceka se EC.

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1669 on: December 24, 2015, 18:34:54 »
GFS 12Z najbolji posle 2012te sad vec na +162h,bio bi to bajkovit 31.12.

Prvo nesvakidaslja situacija,posebno za podrucje Evrope,na oko samo 1000km imamo preko 120mb razlike na nivou mora! 

A onda dolazi 'sibirska' hladnoca i aktivira se toplo Sredozemlje,kao 2012te sto bi Admin rekao pravi recept za snijeg  :105:

I da se nista ne ostvari neka ostane zabiljezeno.Ceka se EC.
Taman htjedoh da izbacim slike kad vidim da si vec ti izbacio  :109:  Kakav gfs danas , sjajni izlazi  :04: , medjutim ne bi da budem pesimista ali gledajuci ec jutrosnji , pa onda i gem (koji je prethodnih dana davao slicne izlaze danasnjem gfs-u,a danas se vec priklonio ec-u) vise vjerujem kartama ec-a . Naravno ni nocasnji izlaz Ec-a nece znaciti nista za tako dug period , ali bi bilo veoma lijepo kada bi krenuo cak i stidljivo u pravcu gfs-a  :122: Ono sto je sigurno i sto treba da veseli sve ljubitelje meterologije jeste da napokon pocinje nesto da se desava , a samim tim s pravom ocekujem budjenje foruma  :114: :79:

Offline sanjin

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1670 on: December 24, 2015, 18:42:32 »
Zaista strashan GFS. Zatrpavanje za Novu.  Vec je to u 150-156. satu.

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1671 on: December 24, 2015, 18:46:21 »
Opet prisustvujemo drasticnoj promjeni u izlazima, za relativno kratak period.  Ovaj put u nasu korist cini mi se. Bice euforije ako se nastavi ovom prtinom. Konacno nesto.  :105:

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1672 on: December 24, 2015, 18:55:51 »
Nek ostane zabiljezeno. Novogodisnja noc, T850hPa i padavine.

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1673 on: December 24, 2015, 19:37:40 »
Los novi Ec bjezi hladnoca previse istocno :82:

Offline Stefan600

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Re: Srednjoročne i dugoročne prognoze
« Reply #1674 on: December 24, 2015, 19:42:58 »
Ono sto ja ovdje vidim je da GFS daje ludacki jak AC, jaci od onog koji daje EC i malo bolju poziciju rekao bih. Nije neka velika razlika, ali te sitne promjene dovode do toga da ne bi bilo ni "h" od hladnoce..  :46:
Februar 2012. :)